Thursday, April 17, 2008

Wounded Knee

So it looks like my dreams of the Derby Half and the Vermont Marathon repeat are up and gone like a fart in the wind.

My knee has been pretty sore since the half in Virginia Beach last month. After a four-mile treadmill run and thirty minutes on the arc trainer on Tuesday, I sat in my office for about forty-five minutes doing work [sic]. When I tried to stand, I pretty much fell back down, as it felt like there was nothing in my right knee supporting me. I limped back to the metro and got home ok, but on Wednesday that knee didn't want anything to do with walking, let alone running.

Seeing as I'm leaving for Africa in a few months, the last thing I want right now is to really mess up my knee and not be able to go at all. Therefore, I'm going to cut the running short for now and do some low-stress cardio (arctrainer, bike, swim, etc.) until I start to feel better and will take it slow from there. In the long run (no pun intended), it's not a big deal that I miss these races -- I'm more concerned about being healthy in 2010 to throw down 56 miles at the Comrades Ultramarathon in South Africa :-D

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