Sunday, December 28, 2008

Coup d'etats and things like that

Due to the unforeseen coup d'etat, I'll be heading back to my site in just a few minutes, and, alas, my post for this month is not yet finished. Being here during this exciting, historical time in Guinea has generated a lot of new stories including, but not limited to, dodging bullets (not really, but that sounds exciting, doesn't it??), beach volleyball tournaments (naturally), and a completely different demeanor of the Guinean people. While I was hoping to ring in the new year with my fellow PCV's, it looks like it will actually be spent alone in my hut with a candle and a good book. But no worries! This New Years Eve will make all the future New Years Eves that much better :-p

Okay, so I'm going to finish the post on my laptop in my village tonight and hopefully pass it on to my mom via e-mail on Wednesday and you guys will be reading to your hearts' content. (Sadly, though, due to the lockdown and a really slow internet connection, additional photos will have to wait until at least the end of January). I hope you're all well and that you all have a wonderful New Year!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Back for more

Hey, everybody! I'm back in Conakry, here to spend a hot Christmas with my friends from training. This is a short post, but I want to let everyone know things are going well - the acid fly burn is gone and I've been feeling great since the last time you heard from me. I'm going to work on finishing a long entry today and plan on posting it, along with a bunch of new pictures on Picasa, tomorrow when I go en ville to the internet cafe (the connection is much better there).

I have some pretty good stories involving deadly snakes, almost deadly bikes, cow hooves, and devils living in the hills, so get excited!

I'll be in Conakry until the morning of the 27th, when I'll be going down to Freetown, Sierra Leone for New Years on the beach. Whoomp! There it is!

Oh, and here's a joke from my new jokebook:

Why do bears wear fur coats?
Because they'd look silly in rain coats!